Thursday, June 5, 2014

Frog hop and a swing

went for a pretty derpy movement on the frog animation, going to create a tribe of warrior frogs

Monday, May 26, 2014

Splash Screen and Icon

so here were some color variations throughout my progress for the splash screen.

and a simple icon for the app on the touchscreen

Friday, May 16, 2014

Running Scouts!

I tried capturing the stereotypical ninja-running cycle with this one, turned out pretty satisfactory.

as always, the movement is sketched first, 

I try to keep most sprite animations within 4 frames (6 if I'm feeling extravagant) with a frame running every 0.1 secs 

running to the top left and top right

bottom left and bottom right

and some desert sand themed tiles.


Thursday, May 15, 2014

More Mockups

some more animations and some more mock ups used by development to help guide the programmed sequence of the game

The fuzzy blue circle indicates where the player should be tapping on their touch screen to progress on a normal play-through

Monday, April 28, 2014

Mockup Demo

so we've finally started importing game objects and laying out the logic and planning from the first couple of weeks. heres an interactive prototype for how we plan to have the game play out (a very simple demo).

the demo just loops through the same scenario in the quest option, displaying the sequence of actions needed to progress through the games core mechanics, a tactical turn-based strategy between opposing sides.

and of course the flashy part, more animations!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


getting back into pixel animations, was always a struggle to get going but it gets easier with time.

and here is a quick mock-up of a mini-game I'm pretty interested in working on as well, it was part of our requirement for multiple game ideas but since we've decided on a different path, this game will have to wait till I graduate!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Week 2

so this past week and a half have been me going through some mock up designs for how the in-game battles and the UI might look, still going through some other ideas

heres a redesign of the previous character, influenced by classic jrpg style artwork.

going through the design process for the portraits I initially wanted to use pixel art,

but i felt as if it didnt feel "professional" enough so I went with a small painting instead.

still, it felt like I was producing amateur work so finally I decided to do a proper concept design for each character and use that as the in-game portrait as well. the results seemed much better than the previous ideas.

here are some mock ups for the game, a battle scene and some menu scenes